Discover the impact of climate change on the whisky industry, including challenges such as altered maturation and threats to terroirs. Explore industry adaptation efforts, including technological innovation and sustainable farming practices. Learn how to preserve the quality and authenticity of...
The exceptional emergence of France in the world of whisky begins in the 1980s. French whisky stands out with regional trends and varied distillation methods. The country's geographical diversity is reflected in over a hundred distilleries.
Si l’on évoque l’Ecosse, il est impossible de ne pas penser à son whisky. Le whisky écossais est le plus connu avec plus d’un milliard de bouteilles produites chaque année, représentant les deux tiers de la production mondiale. Pourtant, le whisky n’a vraisemblablement pas été inventé par les...
Complete glossary covering the most commonly used terms in the world of whisky. From aging to fermentation, including concepts such as Cask Strength or Single Malt, this guide provides an overview of the intricacies and nuances of this iconic beverage.