MARLIM, headquartered at 17 Rue Fulton 87280 LIMOGES, operates an online sales website. This site allows us to receive orders from our customers, and the data collected on this occasion is recorded and processed in a customer file.
Your privacy and the protection of your personal data are important to MARLIM. Therefore, our company is committed to ensuring the security of the personal data we collect and process through our online sales site. MARLIM has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect the personal data processed by our company.
Our Site is not intended for minors.
The Personal Data Protection Policy may be subject to changes. MARLIM may update its personal data protection policy at any time, particularly to comply with applicable legislation. These changes will be communicated to users simply by being posted online. We recommend that you regularly review the latest available version.
Data is collected fairly and transparently. Our company refrains from collecting personal data without first informing the individuals concerned, including the use made of the data.
MARLIM draws your attention to the fact that fields marked with an “*” are mandatory. If these data are not provided, the company will not be able to process your request.

What processing does MARLIM perform:

1. Processing related to sending newsletters
MARLIM sends newsletters about its offers, with the legal basis for processing being your consent. 
You provide MARLIM with your email address and identification data, as well as data necessary for loyalty and prospecting actions: purchase history, your opinions or preferences in terms of products, services, communication methods, etc.
MARLIM may also send you commercial solicitations by email for products similar to those you have ordered, with the legal basis for processing being MARLIM’s legitimate interest, namely promoting our products to our customers.
The recipients are MARLIM’s Marketing department, as well as the service providers responsible for sending the newsletter and our IT host. The data will be kept for 3 years, unless you withdraw your consent or object to the processing.

2. Processing related to managing your user account and our commercial relationship
You provide personal data in the context of managing your customer account, orders, payment, delivery, and customer relationship follow-up. The legal basis for processing for commercial relationship management is the execution of pre-contractual and contractual measures and for accounting purposes, the legal basis is the legal obligation. The recipients are MARLIM’s Marketing, Sales, and Accounting departments, as well as IT service providers, our IT host, payment managers, and delivery services.
The data will be kept for 10 years after the end of the commercial relationship.
To manage our commercial relationships, we process your personal and/or professional contact details, including your names, billing and delivery address, phone number, email address, date of birth, internal customer code for identification, data related to opposition list registration; your connection data, including IP address, identifiers, passwords; your order data: transaction number, purchase details, purchase amounts, invoice payment data (payments, unpaid amounts, discounts), product returns, your payment method

3. Processing related to handling your information requests or complaints
MARLIM processes your data to respond to your information requests or complaints. The legal basis for this processing is your consent. The data collected includes your email address and any information you wish to provide in the comment section. It is shared only with MARLIM employees relevant to your inquiry and with our IT service providers and web host. The data will be kept for the time necessary to process your request.

4. Processing related to statistical management and site analysis
MARLIM conducts statistical studies and data analyses on our content and services to better understand users and improve our site. The legal basis for this processing is our company’s legitimate interest in enhancing our site. The data is retained for the time required to achieve the statistical objectives or until the right to object is exercised. The recipients are MARLIM’s Marketing department, as well as IT service providers and our web host.
MARLIM informs users about the placement of cookies and other trackers on its site, their purposes, the legal basis, and the possibility of opting out. For more information, please see our cookie policy below.

Where are your personal data stored?
Your personal data is stored within the European Union, either in our databases or those of our service providers. MARLIM implements all appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a suitable level of security and the confidentiality of the processed personal data.
Transfers outside the European Union may occur, particularly for IT services related to our company’s systems, at our service providers or partners. In such cases, our company ensures the security and confidentiality of these data and ensures that the transfer complies with legal frameworks: transfer to a country ensuring an adequate level of protection, signing of contractual clauses issued by the European Commission, or other regulatory or contractual means to ensure an adequate level of protection.
Our company strictly requires its service providers to use your personal data only to manage or provide the requested services and also demands that its partners always act in compliance with applicable data protection laws and pay special attention to the confidentiality of these data.

What are your rights and how can you exercise them?
In accordance with applicable data protection regulations, if you no longer wish to receive our newsletters or if you no longer want your data to be shared with our business partners, you can contact us by clicking the link:
You have the right to access, rectify, erase, limit the processing of your data, oppose their processing for legitimate reasons, and port your data, as well as the right to define directives regarding the fate of your data after your death. You can exercise these rights by contacting our Data Protection Officer via email at or by mailing PICOTY SAS - Legal Department – DPO - RUE ANDRÉ ET GUY PICOTY - BP1 - 23300 LA SOUTERRAINE, including your name, surname, address, email, and, if possible, your customer reference.
If you believe, after contacting us, that your data protection rights are not being respected, you can file a complaint with the CNIL:

COOKIE POLICY (Version May 2024)

In the interest of transparency, this policy provides detailed information on the use of cookies by MARLIM, located at 17 Rue Fulton 87280 LIMOGES, as the data controller. This policy applies to all pages of the Site and explains how the User can control the use of cookies. By accessing the site, the User agrees to the terms and conditions of this policy, applicable during each connection and from any terminal.

1. What is a cookie?
A cookie is a small text file that may be stored, subject to the User's choices, in a dedicated space on their device's hard drive (computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.) when they visit the site using their browser. It allows features to be activated and is intended to collect information about their browsing and to provide specialized information or services in return.

Upon the first connection to the site, a "cookies" banner appears. Subject to the User's choices, cookies will be stored in the memory of their computer, smartphone, tablet, mobile, etc. The information thus collected is usable by the MARLIM Site.

The User is free to delete them at any time from their device. They also have the option, at any time, to refuse the storage of cookies on their device through the browser software and according to the procedure described in point 4 of this document.

However, refusing or disabling cookies will impact the proper analysis of the site by MARLIM, thus slowing down its developments. In this case, MARLIM's responsibility cannot be sought due to these malfunctions. Additionally, disabling advertising cookies does not mean that the User will not receive advertising, but simply that it will no longer be tailored to their interests.

2. MARLIM's internal cookies
Cookies placed by MARLIM have several purposes:

Functional cookies → These cookies, based on our legitimate interest, allow:

Cookie name: PHPSESSID

  • Provider: PHP
  • Purpose: Stores the user session
  • Expiration/Data retention: Session

Cookie name: PrestaShop-fd*

  • Provider: PRESTASHOP
  • Purpose: Personalizes user navigation on the site by storing user preferences between each session
  • Expiration/Data retention: 21 days


  • Provider: PRESTASHOP
  • Purpose: Displays a banner requesting customer consent
  • Expiration/Data retention: 1 month

Cookie name: Trkcg_fid

  • Provider: Carts Guru
  • Purpose: Allows user ID identification
  • Expiration/Data retention: 1 month

Cookie name: Takcg_sid

  • Provider: Carts Guru
  • Purpose: Stores the session ID
  • Expiration/Data retention: Session

Cookie name: _gat

  • Provider: Google Universal Analytics
  • Purpose: Reads and filters bot requests
  • Expiration/Data retention: Session

These data will not be transferred to any external recipient except for our host and IT providers, who are located in the EU.

Statistical cookies → These cookies, based on your consent, allow:

Cookie name: ajs_anonymous_id

  • Provider: Segment
  • Purpose: Allows counting the number of people on the site and tracking them
  • Expiration/Data retention: Session

Cookie name: _ga

  • Provider: Google Analytics
  • Purpose: Allows distinguishing unique users by assigning a random number.
  • Expiration/Data retention: 13 months

Cookie name: _gid

  • Provider: Segment
  • Purpose: Stores and counts the number of visitors and pages visited
  • Expiration/Data retention: Session

Cookie name: _gat_gtag_UA_

  • Provider: Segment
  • Purpose: Stores a unique user identifier
  • Expiration/Data retention: Session

Cookie name: _ga_*

  • Provider: Segment
  • Purpose: Stores and counts page views
  • Expiration/Data retention: 13 months

Cookie name: _gcl_au

  • Provider: Google Tag Manager
  • Purpose: Stores and counts conversions
  • Expiration/Data retention: 3 months

These data will not be transferred to any external recipient except for our host and IT providers, who are located in the EU.

3. Sharing cookies (social networks)
MARLIM includes social network buttons or modules, such as Facebook and Pinterest, that allow users to share site content with others or to let third parties know about your visit or opinion on content from our site. When users use these sharing buttons, a third-party social network cookie is installed. If users are logged into the social network during their browsing on the site, the sharing buttons link the content viewed to their user account. Users are invited to consult the privacy policies of these social networks to understand the purposes of using, including advertising, the browsing information they can collect via these buttons, and the duration of associated cookies.
Additionally, the site may contain links to other sites, such as those of our partners. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or content of these other websites.

4. How to set my cookie preferences?

The User can uninstall these cookies at any time. The browser can also be set to notify the installation of new cookies, to which the User can decide to oppose or not. The User can accept or refuse cookies, either individually or systematically. The User can express their choices, manage, disable, or allow cookies directly by modifying the settings of their Internet browser or OS in the following way:

  • Edge:
  • Firefox:
  • Safari:
  • Google Chrome:
  • Opera:
  • Android:

Refusing or disabling cookies will impact the proper analysis of the site by MARLIM, thus slowing down its developments.

5. What are my rights?
You have the rights to access, rectify or erase, limit the processing of your data, object to their processing for legitimate reasons, data portability, and the right to define directives on the fate of your data after your death. You can exercise these rights by clicking on the Contact link or by contacting PICOTY SAS - Legal Department - DPO RUE ANDRÉ ET GUY PICOTY - BP1 23300 LA SOUTERRAINE, indicating the name of our company as well as your first name, last name, address, email, and if possible, the customer reference.

If you believe, after contacting us, that your data protection rights are not being respected, you can file a complaint with the CNIL: [](