Fettercairn, also known as Old Fettercairn, is a Scottish whisky distillery in the Eastern Highlands. This distillery was founded in 1824 by Alexander Ramsay and was the second to legally obtain an official license. Like most distilleries of the time, Fettercairn experienced changes in ownership, fires but also dormancy. It wasn’t until 1939 before the great return of Fettercairn. In 1971, the distillery was acquired by Tomintoul-Glenlivet Distillery Co Ltd and was then bought in 1973 by Whyte & Mackay Ltd, who are the owners today.



Fettercairn, also known as Old Fettercairn, is a Scottish whisky distillery in the Eastern Highlands. This distillery was founded in 1824 by Alexander Ramsay and was the second to legally obtain an official license. Like most distilleries of the time, Fettercairn experienced changes in ownership, fires but also dormancy. It wasn’t until 1939 before the great return of Fettercairn. In 1971, the distillery was acquired by Tomintoul-Glenlivet Distillery Co Ltd and was then bought in 1973 by Whyte & Mackay Ltd, who are the owners today.


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