BenRiach is a Scotch whisky distillery located in Speyside, Scotland, which means "eroded hill" in Gaelic. It was founded in 1887 by the Grant family, near the Longmorn distillery, hence its nickname Longmorn 2. Nevertheless, like many Scottish distillereries, it experienced the whisky crisis and closed for 65 years, before being revived in 2004. The BenRiach distillery is one of the few in Scotland to have its own malting area.



BenRiach is a Scotch whisky distillery located in Speyside, Scotland, which means "eroded hill" in Gaelic. It was founded in 1887 by the Grant family, near the Longmorn distillery, hence its nickname Longmorn 2. Nevertheless, like many Scottish distillereries, it experienced the whisky crisis and closed for 65 years, before being revived in 2004. The BenRiach distillery is one of the few in Scotland to have its own malting area.


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