Beenleigh is one of the rare Australian rum brands. Established in Queensland since 1884, this distillery has developed a strong expertise over the centuries. It creates exceptional rums, white or amber, very old or extra-aged, from molasses. The sugar cane is crushed at the Rocky Point Sugar Mill, one of the last private mills in the country, just a few kilometers from the distillery. This rum, coming from the other side of the world, deserves a warm applause. Welcome this gem with the utmost enthusiasm!


Beenleigh is one of the rare Australian rum brands. Established in Queensland since 1884, this distillery has developed a strong expertise over the centuries. It creates exceptional rums, white or amber, very old or extra-aged, from molasses. The sugar cane is crushed at the Rocky Point Sugar Mill, one of the last private mills in the country, just a few kilometers from the distillery. This rum, coming from the other side of the world, deserves a warm applause. Welcome this gem with the utmost enthusiasm!


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